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The answer key to the L.T. examination held on 30th January 2011 is now available online. There are 35 pages in total and answers to each subject is also divided into various sets (A, B, C, D). So you need to be careful while searching your subject and its corresponding set.
While calculating your marks you also need to keep in mind that there is 25 percent negative marking, it means that if each question carry say 1 mark, then 0.25 would be deducted for a wrong answer.
 Or take it other way round if your four answers are wrong then deduct 1 mark from your total. And if there are suppose 8 answers wrong then deduct 2 marks from the total and so on.
You can check your result by visiting the following link and best of luck.
SEE THE PDF FILE OF Answer keys/answer sheets of all sets of all subjects
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