Revised answer keys of UTET and chances of 2200 posts of Vishist or special BTC (as updated on 27th of November, 2011)
Click here to check final result and the revised answer keys of UTET-1 (15th November, 2011)
Click here to read about latest news on result of UTET, B.P.Ed., Vishist BTC in Uttarakhand, PTA teachers (as updated on October 24, 2011).
Answer keys of the UTET-1 held on 27th August, 2011 is DECLARED on 3rd September and after the result of UTET-1 the government is planning for BTC in Uttarakhand where marks of UTET will be taken into account (As mentioned by leading newspapers and other sources).
Answer keys/answer sheets of the UTET-2011 or first TET in Uttarakhand (as declared on 3rd September, 2011).
Candidates of UTET opined that question Paper of UTET-2011 was bit easier than CTET. The pass percentage of the CTET was abysmally low (14%). Peoples who appeared in the test complained of the lengthy nature of the CTET. But then some said that UTET was also comprise of 150 question (including 30 math’s question) to be solved in 90 minutes. It means UTET was also lengthy. Isn’t it so?
Peoples may have faltered in the first CTET perhaps because of the ‘something given first time’! And the pass percent should have been lower say 50% rather than 60%. Please read previous posts where this concern was raised.
May be next time it would be better. But this should not be taken as excuse as low pass percentage in CTET point out the necessity of such test for the future of children. Let’s see what happens in UTET-1 result.
However there is some confusion regarding answers to few questions asked in UTET-1. For example question no. 150 in ‘Environmental Studies’ – In which year tiger project was started in India ?
If you Google a bit this question or consult other higher books, you can figure out that the plan was started in 1972 but it was implemented in the year 1973.
So what would be the correct answer to this question asked in UTET-1?
There may be other questions also. If you have any such confusions? How would you rate this UTET-1 as against central CTET-1?
Some peoples regret taking ‘SANSKRIT’ as their second language. They felt ‘ENGLISH’ should have been better. What you peoples have to say?
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