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Given below are the revised answers keys of UTET-1 held on 27th of August, 2011
Don’t forget to check the previous articles on teacher eligibility test in Uttarakhand to get apprised of the latest happenings on this matter.
Check revised answer key of set-A
Check revised answer key of set-B
Check revised answer key of set-C
Check revised answer key of set-D
Or visit the website
Note- please have patience and check bit later or from broadband connection.
New-Click here to check the new article on some facts about the result of UTET-2011 and chances of Vishist BTC.
Following are some questions of UTET which have been probably awarded common marks. (On request of the some of our visitors)
Note- as some questions are not in English we are just trying put them in these words and hope they will be enough for the hints.
However if you have seen the comments in the previous post related to UTET, some visitors have said that there ambiguous reports in the different newspapers regarding the questions which have been allotted the common marks and there could be more than five such questions.
Now if you have some more doubts you can share it with us and we will update this page if you all want it so.
Q no. 39 of first language Hindi- nimnlikhit (following) shabdo (words) me shudh (correct) rup hai:
Revised answer: a-prajwalit, earlier it was option-b (also prajwalit but there was spelling mistake in Hindi)
Q no. 48 of first language Hindi- rikt (blank) sthan ki purti ke liye upyukt (suitable) karak chinha (sign) ka chayan kijiye-
Pratyek (each) prashna (question) …….. char (four) sambhawit (possible) uttar (answer) diye gaye hai-
Revised answer- both option ‘a’- “ke liye” and option
‘c’ – “ke” will be awarded marks. Earlier it was option ‘c’ only.
Q no. 79 of second language Sanskrit- vayam pathyantum gacham ityasya karwachaya kim asti ?
Revised answer- both option ‘b’ and ‘d’ will be awarded marks as both are same and the correct answer is-
‘Asmabhi pathyantum vidyalaya gamyate’
Earlier it was option‘d’ only.
Q no. 64 of second language Urdu- all options a, b, c, d has been awarded the marks as it was printing mistake.
Q no. 123 of Environmental Studies- In which color photosynthesis occurs most in plants.
Revised answer is option‘d’- green earlier it was option ‘c’-red
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