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M.Ed. Admission 2012-13: HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar

 Click here to see the notice for counseling to be held on 23rd February, 2013.

Click here to see the result of the M.Ed. entrance exam 2012-13

ENTRANCE EXAM: - 28th October, 2012. As this date was coinciding with the other exam date it has been changed. New exam date is 4th November, 2012.
FORM FEES: - For General (GEN) and Other Backward Caste (O.B.C) - Rupees 500 (550 by post)
For Schedule Caste (SC) and Schedule Tribe (ST) - Rupees 250 (300 by post)

FORMS AVAILABILITY: - From University Offices at Srinagar and Bindal Pul Dehradun from 1st October, 2012 to 10th October 2012.
You can also download the form and send Bank draft with that.

Download form for the M.Ed. entrance exam for Garhwal University.


LAST DATE FOR SUBMITTING FORM AT UNIVERSITY OFFICE: - 10th October 2012. (Extended up to 15th October)
(Along with the photocopy of necessary documents)

Note- session 2011-12 has been declared zero by the University.

For guidelines for the M.Ed. entrance exam or any other information or notification please check the link given below:

Official notification for Garhwal University M.Ed. entrance 2012-13

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