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Latest news regarding the Uttarakhand Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari or Village Development Officers (VDO) recruitment exam 2012

New update-
October 2013-After appointments in some districts and news is that various post that have remained vacant will be filled with the waiting list. keep in touch for any update.

Writ has been filed in the Nainital High court. Some candidates whose names were there in the previous selection has been omitted in the new result of VDO exam 2012. So matter is put on hold till the judgment. Keep in touch for any update on this issue.

5th June 2013- Result of the Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari or VDO has been revised. Check this- Revised VDO result and appointments 2013  for the updated district wise result of VDO exam 2012.

So guys bad news (as on 7th February, 2013) for you all aspiring candidates of the Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari or Village Development Officers recruitment exam 2012. You might be waiting for the call letter of the posting of VDO but the news is that the Minister has now cancelled the results or proceedings have been stopped till further notice.
It is said that there are gross errors (perhaps knowingly) in the result formation.

Well frankly speaking it was bound to happen as the anomalies in the result were quite obvious. We have earlier also said this and many candidates who were part of the exam also echoed the same views in the comments by our visitors.

The drama played by the government official and the exam conducting body, then the gross mistakes in the result is all making fool of the educated youths quite insensitively.
Why we peoples are so silent is matter of concern?

With due recognition to the law and order (which are for weak and common man only) if the half (other half may be abusing us and may be involved in the dirty game of “jugad”) of those selected get together they can get the policy maker to their feet.

No one among us has the courage to put an end to this tyranny and then hold those responsible for such mistakes in future!

In fact the minister and officials who were authorized to put a hold on the much awaited result were sleeping till now. Don’t they were those who delayed the result and then the real creator of the game?
With due respect hope most of them have not their beloved and “cash candidates” in the result.
Perhaps the GB Pant University is not the main or exclusive culprit. Undue pressures from the peoples in power and those among us who are well known expert of the “Jugad” and get selected make them bow to the temptation or threat whatever you can say.
But just think for those who were genuine candidates? Who cares for them?

We have been watching the GB Pant University. They have somewhat very clear cut policy to prepare the result on time and put everything on the site for all. (We may be wrong but this is what we had seen in the last few years. Take the ANM or GNM or Cooperative bank exam and other exams).
Why this time they made silly mistakes in the result?

Point is “salt in the dal” goes unnoticed but the utter disregard to rules and regulation with which the system plays with the aspiration of the peoples should not be acceptable. Anyone listening????

22nd February, 2013- It is said that mistakes like the result not showing proper categories or marks etc. of the candidates are there in the officially published result of VDO exam 2012 and therefore after rectification the process may move further perhaps after 25th of February, 2013

For other post related to VDO exam 2012 please check this
Gram Vikas Adhikari or VDO exam result 2012
Answer Keys VDO exam 2012

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